Current Position 職稱及職務:
Assistant Professor of Social Work
- Thesis supervisor of Doctorate Program in Applied Psychology (specialized in applied psychology and mental health social work)
- Thesis supervisor of MSW program (specialized in clinical social work, intervention research, program evaluation, mixed research)
Academic Qualifications 學歷:
2015.7 - 2020 Joint PhD in Social Work, University of Louisville/ University of Kentucky, US
2018.7 - 2020 MS in Couple and Family Therapy, University of Louisville, US
2018.7 - 2020 MS in Social Work, University of Louisville, US
2009.8 - 2010 MA in Gender Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
2005.9 - 2009 BSW, Capital Normal University, China
Academic Experience 學術經歷:
2011.7 - 2015.6 Lecturer, Lingnan Normal University, China
Courses Taught 任教科目:
- BSW 105 Social Statistics
- BSW 106 Counseling Methods and Skills
- BSW 202 Casework
- BSW 301 Professional Ethics
- MSWG 102 Advanced Research Methods
- MSWG 104 Seminars for Professional Development A
- MSWG 203 Care Management in Dementia & Cognitive Disorders
- MSWM 212 Foundations of Human Services, NPO and Practice
- MSWM216 Theories and Practices: Employ Assistance Program (EAP)
Research Area / Research Interests 研究方向:
- Health Disparities and Protective Factors in Mental Health
- Mindfulness-based interventions
- Dementia Prevention and Intervention
- Child Trauma Intervention Research
- Parenting and Parental Academic Involvement
Practice Area / Interests 實踐方向:
- Couple and Family Therapy
- Mental health counselling with a focus on Trauma/PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety
- Parenting counseling and training
- Grief counseling
Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years) 主要成果與著作 (近五年):
(*Corresponding author)
Zhang, D., Sterrett-Hong, E., Ballard-Kang, J., & Li, K. (Accepted). Associations between mother and father involvement in the lives of their older adolescents: the mediating effect of child-parent and couple relationships. Family Relations (SSCI JCR Q1).
Tang, N., Zhang, D.*, Sun, F., & Leung, C. (Accepted). Attitudinal Professionalism Mediating the Regional Difference of job Satisfaction among social workers in China. Social Work (SSCI JCR Q1)
Wong, S., Zhang, D., Hu, J., & Chao, U. (Accepted). An intervention study on the impact of Mindfulness-based Mandala on the attention of preschool children. Child & Family Social Work (SSCI JCR Q2)
Cheng, W., Zhang, D.*, & Li, R. (2024). Effects of Bright Light Therapy on Agitation Among the Elderly Living with Dementia in Macao: A Pilot Study. Journal of Gerontological Social Work (SSCI JCR Q2)
Zhang, D., Zheng, W., &Li, K. (2024). Marital status affects cognitive impairment in Chinese older adults: The multiple mediating effects of social support and depression. BMC Geriatrics, 24, 367. (SSCI JCR Q1)
Li, K. & Zhang, D.*. (2024). 推拉理论视域下澳门长者中心老年人孤独感的机理研究[Research on the Mechanism of Loneliness among Older People in Macau Elderly Center through the Lens of Push-Pull Theory]. 西北人口 (北核,CSSCI擴展)
Tang, N., Zhang, D., Sun, F., & Leung, C. T. L. (2023). ‘Brick’or ‘Bridge’? The roles and functions of Chinese social workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Social Work, (SSCI JCR Q1)
Tang, N., Sun, F., Zhang, D.*, Leung, C., & Gao, X. (2023). Job Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic amongst Social Workers: A Comparison between Chinese Mainland and Macao. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(2), 1036-1054. (SSCI JCR Q1)
Zhang, D., Sun, F., & Luo, T. (2022). Review of “The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) with a double threshold: improving the MoCA for triaging patients in need of a neuropsychological assessment” by Géraud M. F. C. Dautzenberg et al. (2022), IPA Bulletin (December 2022).
张东航 & 黄日英 (2022). 个案家庭服务:让失控的爱回归正常. 中国社会工作, 471, 19-20.
Wang., X., Zhang, D.*, Ding, H., Luo, T., & Li, Q. (2021). A Pilot Study on Effectiveness of Training on Social and Career Skills Among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities [广州市成年智力残疾人职业转衔培训研究报告]. Analysis and Forecast on Social Situation of Guangzhou in China (2021) [2021年中国广州社会形势分析与预测] (涂成林等编, 2021), 社会科学文献出版社.
Sterrett-Hong, Birkett, M., Kuhns, L., Zhang, D., & Mustanski, B. (2021). The Impact of Closeness to Non-Parental Adults in Social Networks on Substance Use among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men. Journal of Homosexuality, 68(10), 1727–1744. (SSCI JCR Q1)
Ongoing Research Projects 正在進行的研究項目:
Principle Investigator: 創傷知情照護在社福機構的實踐與成效評估 Evaluating Trauma-Informed Care Practice in Social Services, funded (210,000MOP) by 澳门基金會 (Jan 2024 – May 2025).
Principle Investigator: 澳門企業推行家庭友善政策的狀況、挑戰和對策研究, funded (100,000MOP) by 澳門共建好家園協會 (July 2024 – December 2024).
Co-Principal Investigator (2nd Author): A Study of Promoting Recovery and Resilience in Traumatized Children and Social Work Interventions [遭受创伤困境儿童复原力的社会工作干预研究], funded (200,000RMB) by The National Social Science Fund of China, with Dr. Zhangshen Ai (professor).
Professional License 專業執照:
- Psychological Counselor (註冊心理師), Chinese Psychological Society, China (2024)
- Licensed National Social Worker [中级社工师], China (Sep. 2012)
- Licensed Lecturer in Higher Education Institution [高校教师资格证], China (July 2012)
Journal ad hoc peer reviewer:
- Social Work
- Family Process
- Journal of Gerontological Social Work
- BMC Geriatrics
- European Journal of Education
Selected academic conference presentations:
Zhang, D., Fan, J., Li, K., Zhu, T., & Mo, Y. (2024, (Oral talk). A Pilot Study of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Psychoeducation Group Intervention for Chinese Adolescents with Emotional Problems. 2024 APISWEA International Conference, Chengdu, June 2, 2024.
Zhang, D., Tang N., & Li, K. (2023, (Oral talk). Regional Differences in Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Social Workers: A Comparative Study of Social Work Development between Chinese Mainland and Macao. 第二届深大湾区论坛暨首届鹏城群学论坛, 深圳, December 9, 2023.
Zhang, D. (Oral talk). Cultivating Social Work Competence: Curriculum Practice and Reflection]社會工作專業勝任力的培養:課程實踐與反思]. Seminar on Sustainable Development of Social Work Higher Education in Macao [澳門社會工作高等教育可持續發展研討會] , City University of Macau, August 23, 2022.
Zhang, D., Tian B., & Sun, F. (2021, E-poster). The Psychological Impact of Social Connectedness and Difficulties that Global Populations Encounter in the COVID-19 Pandemic – Testing a Moderated Mediation Model. The 25th Annual Conference Society for the Social Work and Research (proposal #4492).
Zhang, D., & Sterrett-Hong, E. (Oral talk). An Exploratory Study of Positive Parenting and Parent Involvement in Children's Education in China. The 24th Annual Conference Society for the Social Work and Research, Washington, DC, January 17, 2020 (proposal #38817).
Sterrett-Hong, E., & Zhang, D. (E-poster). Fathers' Reasons for Having Children, Developmentally Attuned Cognitive Stimulation, and Young Children's Psychosocial Functioning in Mainland China. The 24th Annual Conference Society for the Social Work and Research, Washington, DC, January 18, 2020 (proposal #38766).
Zhang, D., Sterrett-Hong, E., & Qiuping Wu (Oral talk). Exploring the Indigenous Social Work Practice in the Chinese Context. Council on Social Work Education 2019 Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO, October 27, 2019 (proposal # 40990).
Selected invited lecturers/ workshops:
Zhang, D. (Feb-Mar, 2024). Guest Speaker: “學校學生教育與創傷知情照護關懷(7小時).” 澳门教青局, China.
Zhang, D. (Nov 2-3, 2023). “Use a trauma-informed lens to understand and care children” [儿童创伤的父母指导:用创伤知情的眼光理解和照顾孩子].” 深圳市婦女聯合會, China.
Zhang, D. (June 20, 2023). “The Application of Family Therapy Techniques to Pediatrics and Family Services [家庭治疗技术在患儿及家庭服务中的应用].” 第五届全国儿童医院医务社会工作论坛暨全国儿科医务社会工作培训项目.
Zhang, D. (June 10, 2023). “Trauma-Informed Practice – the Prevention and Response to Child Abuse [创伤知情实务 – 儿童虐待的预防及回应].” 第二届澳门保护儿童会议——携手守护澳门儿童 从理论到实践.
Zhang, D. (Mar. 21, 2023). “Cultural Humility and Clinical Social Work Practice [文化謙遜與臨床社會工作實踐].” In 2023年澳門世界社工日, China.
Zhang, D. (Nov 22, 2022). “Key Points of Structural Family Therapy and Its Application in Family Education [結構式家庭治療核心要點與在家庭教育中的運用].” 深圳市婦女聯合會, China.
Zhang, D. (June 8, 2022). “Trauma-Informed Practice: Communication, Care, and Bonding [創傷知情實踐:溝通、關懷與聯結].” 澳城大大健康科普系列講座.
Zhang, D. (June 2, 2022). “Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan [個案概念化與治療方案].” 澳門社工局.
Zhang, D. (Feb. 8-9, 2022). “Mind Matters Workshop: Understanding and coping life problems and stress & Coping strategies for trauma, anxiety, and depression.” 2021加拿大多倫多大學心理學項目.
Zhang, D. (Dec 4, 2021). “Trauma in Children and Adolescents: Assessment and Interventions [兒童青少年創傷的評估與干預].” Child Protection Conference — Creating together a safe environment for children in Macao.
Zhang, D. (Feb 29, 2020). Trainer: “Assessing Depression Disorders and Interventions [疫情工作中来访者情绪低落及抑郁发作评估及干预].” Dawning Consulting 道宁咨询公开课, China.