Bachelor of Social Sciences(Chinese-Part Time)


Program Features Objective

The Bachelor in Social Science is the first multi-disciplinary degree program in Macau. It provides a solid grounding in theories, concepts and working tools in social sciences essential for success in the globalized society. Course curriculum derives from topics that are debated by scholars that allow students to explore from different perspectives, and to enhance students’ competence in academic writing, critical thinking and analytical skills for career advancement or further study at the graduate level. The core design of this program is centered on the three disciplines of Psychology, Sociology and Political Science.


Graduates of this programme may become researchers, policy advisers, political advisers, speechwriters, research consultants, project managers or community development personnel, working in organizational management, market research, business transaction management, and private consultant, etc.


Course Description

必修科目  Compulsory Courses

第一學年  First Semester 第二學年  Second Semester
科目編號 科目 Course Title

學分 Credits

科目編號 科目 Course Title

學分  Credits

ES101 哲學概論 Introduction to Philosophy 10 ES201 法學概論 Introduction to Law 5
ES102 社會科學總論 Studies in Social Science 10 ES202 法學哲學 Philosophy of Law 5
ES103 社會學導論 Introduction of Sociology 10 ES203 微觀經濟學 Micro Economics 5
        ES204 宏觀經濟學 Cacro Economics 5
        ES205 心理學概論 Introduction to Psychology 5
        ES206 社會心理學 Social Psychology 5
30 credits should be selected from the second stage.
30 在大學第二階段現有科目中選修30學分。
30 credits should be selected from the second stage.


第三學年  Third Semester 第四學年  Forth Semester
科目編號 科目 Course Title

學分 Credits

科目編號 科目 Course Title

學分 Credits

ES301 社會哲學史 I History of Social Philosophy I 10 ES401 社會哲學史 II History of Social Philosophy II 10
ES302 政府行政學 I

Govemment and Public

 Administration I

10 ES402 政府行政學 II

Govemment and Public

 Administration II

ES303 國際關係與組織 I

International Relations and

 Organization I

10 ES403 國際關係與組織 II

International Relations and

 Organization II

30 credits should be selected from the second stage.
30 在大學第四階段現有科目中選修30學分。
30 credits should be selected from the second stage.



選修科目  Elective Courses

第一階段  The First Stage 第二階段  The Second Stage
科目 Course Title 學分 Credits 科目 Course Title 學分 Credits
會計學 Accounting 10 中級會計學 Intermediate Accounting 10
企業導論 Introduction to Business 5 管理資訊系統 Management
Information Systems
企管數學 Business Mathematics 5 組織理論 Organization Theory 5
管理導論 Principles of Management 10 財務管理 Financial Management 10
電腦導論 Introduction to Computer
10 生產管理 Production Management 10
統計學概論 Introduction to Statistice 10 人事管理 Personnel Management 5
市場學 Marketing 10 商法 Commercial Law 5


第三階段  The Third Stage 第四階段  The Forth Stage
科目 Course Title 學分 Credits 科目 Course Title 學分 Credits
成本會計Oz Cost Accounting 6 組織行為 Organizational Behavior 12
管理會計 Managerial Accounting 6 公司法 Company Law 12
作業研究 Operations Research 6


Human Resources
Planning & Strategy
運籌學 Operations Studies 6 國際營銷 International Marketing 12
消費者行為 Consumer Behavior 6 國際財務管理 International Financial

Small Enterprise


6 商業政策 Business Policy 12
銷售管理 Sales Management 6      
廣告學 Advertising 6      
公司財務 Corporate Finance 6      
投資學 Investment Management 6      
工業關係 Industrial Relations 6      
抽樣調查 Survey Sampling 6